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Writer's picture: Krista ZweersKrista Zweers

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

Supporting the Kidneys, Liver and Colon are crucial when trying to perform a cleanse or Detox for your body. Before performing any detox or cleanse, I recommend making an herbal tea blend with some of these key herbs to keep those organs filtering properly and the colon flowing efficiently and freely because the last thing you want to do is clog your organs and reabsorb toxins through your colon if things are filtering and moving effectively. This illustration shows the ways in which detoxification take places and which organs are involved.

Herbal Remedies to Cleanse and Support the KIDNEYS:

  • Dandelion leaf

  • Marshmallow root

  • Nettle Leaf

  • Dried Ginger root or Grated Fresh Ginger

Herbal Remedies to Cleanse and Support the LIVER:

These can be combined into a tea and should drink throughout day and evening.

  • Green Tea- Packed full of antioxidants known to increase liver function, can assist liver function eliminating toxins from the body while protecting the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol.

  • Milk Thistle- liver boosting effects, Silymarin compound in milk thistle helps ease inflammation and promote cell repair. Can be used in teas.

  • Calendula- the Carvacol extract in Calendula possesses anti-inflammatory activity and a promotes liver regeneration. Can be used in a tea.

  • Nettle Leaf-used for joint ailments, constipation, as an astringent and is liver purifying. Use in a tea.

  • Burdock Root- stimulates the kidneys and is a blood tonic, supports and cleanses the liver, promotes digestion. Use in tea or capsules.

  • Dandelion- detoxifies the Liver, help with skin and eye problems, and relieve symptoms of liver disease. Dandy Tea Can be found at Natural Grocers.

  • Chicory Root- used for high blood pressure, heart failure, loss of appetite, upset stomach, constipation, protects the liver and gallbladder, cancer, and rapid heartbeat

  • Borututu Bark- detoxifies liver, Gallbladder, and Digestive System (added to herbal supplement)

  • Berberine- has positive effect on blood lipids, blood glucose, liver function, insulin resistance, and fatty liver condition.

  • Fumitory- Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-platelet aid and stimulates liver, gall bladder and gut function, rid the body of impurities, heals skin infections such as acne and even psoriasis and eczema. Can be used to relieve constipation, blood purifier and to remove parasites.

  • Lemon Balm- Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, calms the mind, improves sleep, boost immunity, and protects the liver and heart. The antimicrobial properties of lemon balm help treat yeast infections.

  • Peppermint Tea- Antioxidant, boosts immune system, is a digestive aid, supports liver and gall bladder, supports healthy weight, boost mood and mental clarity,

Herbs to support a healthy colon through regular eliminations:

  • Psyllium Husk Powder or seeds

  • Senna Leaf

  • Fumitory

  • Licorice root

  • Marshmallow root

  • Slippery Elm

  • Dandelion root

  • Milk Thistle

Other Cofactors of P450 Phase 1 detoxification:

NADH, Riboflavin, Niacin, Magnesium, Iron, Certain Indoles from Cruciferous Vegetables.


There are two major detoxification pathways inside the liver cells, which are called the Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification pathways.

Toxin list that effect these pathways:

· metabolic end products

· micro organisms

· contaminants/pollutants

· insecticides

· pesticides

· food additives

· drugs

· alcohol

Phase One - Detoxification Pathway

Phase one detoxification consists of oxidation reduction and hydrolysis. Phase one detoxification is catalysed by enzymes referred to as the cytochrome P450 enzyme group or Mixed Function Oxidase enzymes MFO. These enzymes reside on the membrane system of the liver cells (called Hepatocytes). Human liver cells possess the genetic code for many isoenzymes of P-450 whose synthesis can be induced upon exposure to specific chemicals. This provides a mechanism of protection from a wide variety of toxic chemicals.

To put it simply, this pathway converts a toxic chemical into a less harmful chemical. This is achieved by various chemical reactions (such as oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis), and during this process free radicals are produced which, if excessive, can damage the liver cells. Antioxidants (such as vitamin C and E and natural carotenoids) reduce the damage caused by these free radicals. If antioxidants are lacking and toxin exposure is high, toxic chemicals become far more dangerous.

Some may be converted from relatively harmless substances into potentially carcinogenic substances. Excessive amounts of toxic chemicals such as pesticides can disrupt the P-450 enzyme system by causing over activity or what is called 'induction' of this pathway. This will result in high levels of damaging free radicals being produced. The danger is if these reactive molecules are not further metabolised by Phase II conjugation, they may cause damage to proteins, RNA, and DNA within the cell.

Substances that may cause overactivity (or induction) of the P- 450 enzymes

· Caffeine

· Alcohol

· Dioxin

· Saturated fats

· Organophosphorus pesticides

· Paint fumes

· Sulphonamides

· Exhaust fumes

· Barbiturates

The family of P-450 enzyme systems is quite diverse, with specific enzyme systems being inducible by particular drugs, toxins or metabolites. It is this characteristic that has allowed the development of special tests to check the function of the various pathways.

The Substrates (the substance acted upon by the enzyme) of cytochrome P-450 enzymes.

· Theophylline

· caffeine

· phenacetin

· acetaminophen

· Lidocaine

· erythromycin

· cyclosporin

· ketoconazole

· testosterone

· estradiol

· cortisone

· Alprenolol

· bopindolol

· carvedilol

· metoprolol

· propranolol

· Amitriptyline

· clomipramine

· desipramine

· nortriptyline

· Codeine

· dextrometh- orphan

· ethylmorphine

· 4-methoxyamphetamin

· Phenytoin

· ibuprofen

· naproxen

· oxicam drugs

· S-warfarin

· Diazepam

· hexobarbitone

· imipramine

· omeprazole

· alcohol

· chlorzoxazone

· enflurane

Cofactors of P450 Phase 1 detoxification

NADH, Riboflavin, Niacin, Magnesium, Iron, Certain Indoles from Cruciferous Vegetables.

Substances that inhibit cytochrome P450

Many substances inhibit cytochrome P450. This situation can cause substantial problems as it makes toxins potentially more damaging because they remain in the body longer before detoxification.

Grapefruit (the negatives)

Grapefruit juice decreases the rate of elimination of drugs from the blood and has been found to substantially alter their clinical activity and toxicity. Eight ounces of grapefruit juice contains enough of the flavonoid naringenin to decrease cytochrome P450 activity by a remarkable 30%.

Curcumin (the benefits)

Curcumin, the compound that gives turmeric its yellow colour, is interesting because it inhibits phase I while stimulating phase II. This effect can be very useful in preventing certain types of cancer. Curcumin has been found to inhibit carcinogens, such as benzopyrene (found in grilled meat), from inducing cancer in several animal models. It appears that the curcumin exerts its anti-carcinogenic activity by lowering the activation of carcinogens while increasing the detoxification of those that are activated. Curcumin has also been shown to directly inhibit the growth of cancer cells. As most of the cancer-inducing chemicals in cigarette smoke are only carcinogenic during the period between activation by phase I and final detoxification by phase II, curcumin in the turmeric can help prevent the cancer-causing effects of tobacco.

Phase I detoxification and aging

The activity of phase I detoxification enzymes decreases in old age. Aging also decreases blood flow through the liver, further aggravating the problem. Lack of the physical activity necessary for good circulation, combined with the poor nutrition commonly seen in the elderly, add up to a significant impairment of detoxification capacity, which is typically found in aging individuals.

Phase Two - Detoxification Pathway

This is called the conjugation pathway, whereby the liver cells add another substance (eg. cysteine, glycine or a sulphur molecule) to a toxic chemical or drug, to render it less harmful. This makes the toxin or drug water-soluble, so it can then be excreted from the body via watery fluids such as bile or urine.

Major Phase II pathways

· Glutathione

· Sulphate

· Glycine

· Glucuronide conjugations

Through conjugation, the liver is able to turn drugs, hormones and various toxins into water soluble excretable substances. Individual xenobiotics and metabolites usually follow one or two distinct pathways. This makes testing of the various pathways possible by challenging with known substances.

Sulphur containing foods and amino acids stimulate phase II detoxification

For efficient phase two detoxification, the liver cells require sulphur-containing amino acids such as taurine and cysteine. The nutrients glycine, glutamine, choline and inositol are also required for efficient phase two detoxification.

Eggs and cruciferous vegetables (eg. broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), raw garlic, onions, leeks and shallots are all good sources of natural sulphur compounds to enhance phase two detoxification. Thus, these foods can be considered to have a cleansing action.

The phase two enzyme systems include both UDP-glucuronyl transferase (GT) and glutathione-S-transferase (GSH-T).


Glutathione-S-transferase is the most powerful internal antioxidant and liver protector. It can be depleted by large amounts of toxins and/or drugs passing through the liver, as well as starvation or fasting. Phase II reactions may follow Phase I for some molecules or act directly on the toxin or metabolite.

Substrates of the glycine pathway

Salicylates and benzoates are detoxified primarily through glycination. Benzoate is present in many food substances and is widely used as a food preservative. Many other substances are detoxified as well via the glycine conjugation pathway. Patients suffering from xenobiotic overloads and environmental toxicity may not have sufficient amounts of glycine to cope with the amount of toxins they are carrying.

Substrates of the sulphation pathways

Neurotransmitters, steroid hormones, certain drugs such as Acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol) and many xenobiotic and phenolic compounds.

Substrates of glucuronidation

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, steroid hormones, some nitrosamines, heterocyclic amines, some fungal toxins, and aromatic amines. It also removes "used" hormones, such as oestrogen and T4 (thyroid hormone) that are produced naturally by the body.

Toxic Overload

If the phase one and two detoxification pathways become overloaded, there will be a build up of toxins in the body. Many of these toxins are fat soluble and incorporate themselves into fatty parts of the body where they may stay for years, if not for a lifetime. The brain and the endocrine (hormonal) glands are fatty organs, and are common sites for fat-soluble toxins to accumulate. This may result in symptoms of brain dysfunction and hormonal imbalances, such as infertility, breast pain, menstrual disturbances, adrenal gland exhaustion and early menopause. Many of these chemicals (eg. pesticides, petrochemicals) are carcinogenic and have been implicated in the rising incidence of many cancers.

Bitter herbs to improve phase 1 and 2 detoxification

Bitter herbs are the corner stone of herbal medicine. A range of physiological responses occur following stimulation of the bitter receptors of the tongue. The bitter taste stimulates the specific bitter taste buds at the back of the tongue to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system to trigger a number of reflexes. These reflexes are important to the digestive process and general health.

Specifically in relation to digestion herbal bitters;

Sialogogues – stimulate saliva to digest carbohydrates.

Orexogenics – stimulate hydrochloric acid to digest protein.

Chologogues – Stimulate bile flow to digest fats.

The stimulation of the flow of digestive juices from the exocrine glands of mouth, stomach, pancreas, duodenum and liver, aid in digestion, absorption and assimilation of foods and nutrients. There is also a very mild stimulation of endocrine activities, especially insulin and glucagon secretion by the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas therefore used to treat of non-insulin dependent diabetes. By promoting the flow of bile, bitters assists the liver in its detoxifying capacity.

Herbal medicine to support Liver Detox pathways

Herbs are Nature's vitamins and minerals. You don't need synthetic supplements when you can take organic practitioner strength herbs.

  • Burdock Arctium lappa, Horsetail Equisetum arvense,

  • Milk thistle Silybum marinarum, Alfalfa Medicago sativa

Traditionally indicated to chelate heavy metals

Heavy metals are toxic to the human body and exposures are very common. We can become exposed through water, vaccinations, dental fillings, cosmetics and other personal care products, paint, foods and air pollution. There is strong epidemiological evidence that refutes links between environmental triggers, in particular thimerosal containing vaccines, and the onset of autistic symptoms. The symptoms of toxic heavy metal poisoning and the symptoms of autism, PDD, Aspergers, & ADD/ ADHD are very similar. Toxic metals could be the cause of those symptoms. Memory loss, increased allergic reactions, high blood pressure, depression, mood swings, irritability, poor concentration, aggressive behaviour, sleep disabilities, fatigue, speech disorders, high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, vascular occlusion, neuropathy, autoimmune diseases, cancer, thyroid disorders and chronic fatigue are just some of the many conditions resulting from exposure to toxins.

Chelation therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. The most common forms of heavy metal intoxication are those involving lead, arsenic or mercury. There are many products that chelate heavy metals from the body. This tincture contains herbs that are naturally high in minerals which oppose and eliminate heavy metals from the body combines with liver herbs as the liver and the bowel are responsible for the elimination of the heavy metals. It is very important to increase fibre in the diet as fibre “grabs” heavy metals and helps eliminate them from the body. I would recommend taking the herbs for one month.

Diseases associated with heavy metal toxicity include;

Autism Aspergers ADD/ ADHD Memory loss

Seizures Increased allergic reactions Depression Mood swings Irritability Poor concentration Aggressive behaviour Sleep disabilities Fatigue Speech disorders Hypertension High cholesterol Triglycerides Vascular occlusion Neuropathy Autoimmune diseases Cancer Hyperthyroidism Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia

The liver plays a major role in metabolism and has a number of functions in the body, including;

Glycogen storage Decomposition of red blood cells Plasma protein synthesis Hormone production Detoxification Bile production (an alkaline compound which aids in digestion, via the emulsification of lipids)

Created by Krista Zweers

NOURISH REVIVE THRIVE- Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Education and Counseling Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Specialist Certified Holistic Medical Cannabis Specialist

Certified Detox and Cleanse Specialist 541-633-5568

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